Auto Collision Repair: What You Should Know Before Taking Your Car To The Body Shop
Are you planning to take your vehicle to a local auto body shop in order to have the damage from a recent accident repaired? If so, there are a few facts that you should know before going in for an estimate.
Fact #1: There Is No Need To Get More Than One Estimate
Insurance companies used to require that you submitted as many as three estimates before they would approve any repairs to your vehicle.
The Dangers Of Ignoring Auto Body Problems
Not all auto body damage is so severe that you can't continue driving. Some drivers may not have problems with the seemingly cosmetic-only issues, but there are some issues with ignoring the problem that could cost you more in the long run. Before you get back on the road, consider a few drawbacks of ignoring auto body damage that go beyond opinions of ugliness and style.
Gas Mileage Takes A Hit Due To Resistance
4 Cosmetic Collision Repairs To Never Overlook
If you have been in a major or even minor collision, you should never overlook the collision repair that your vehicle is going to need. Of course, in major collisions, you are probably going to need a great deal more repairs than usual, which usually can never be overlooked. However, many people involved in minor collisions tend to ignore some of the repairs that may be needed. Here are four important aspects of cosmetic repairs that should never be overlooked:
Understanding How High Altitude And Temperatures Affect Your RV To Avoid Surprises
If you are new to RV camping, or have always camped locally, you could be in for a big surprise when you decide to go somewhere with a much higher altitude or temperature. You may find you have trouble with your generator and refrigerator. Here is some information to help make sure you are well prepared for your trip.
The coolant in an RV refrigerator needs to have cool air blowing across the coils to help it cool down after absorbing the heat from the food compartment.